17 Mar

From humble beginnings to entering the big city market, the Chivas Brothers have surely had a long, fun ride. Chives Regal has taken over the global market like never before. This whiskey is loved by all the masses. Chivas Regal old bottle was considered to be a luxury blended scotch whiskey, back in the day. Now, Chivas Gold is considered to be the apex whiskey in the whole market. All the whiskey connoisseurs and brand experts love the crafted notes and tasteful flavour of it.

Chives Regal is considered a timeless classic which has overpowered the true test of times. However, this whiskey had a long ride of its own:

  1. It all began in 1836 when two brothers named James and John Chivas wanted to start something new, something better. They lived on a farm in the Ellon Parish of Aberdeenshire.
  2. At the young age of 21, both the brothers understood that they needed to leave the farm and move to the city in the pursuit of their dreams. They dreamt big, and only the city could help the brothers achieve those dreams. Hence, they left their farm in search of the old northern lights of Aberdeen.
  3. During those times, there was no mode of commute. Hence, it took the brothers twenty good days to reach their desired destination. During those times, Aberdeen was a city that was struck by the industrial revolution. Hence there was an influx of new factories, goods, opportunities, jobs and prospects.
  4. Amid new ideas, there was also an idea floating to mix grain and malt whiskeys. This type of mixture came to be known as blended whiskey by the Scottish Whiskey Association. The main reason for its inception was to craft something better which bore the flavours of both kinds, creating a whiskey of a superior kind.
  5. After arriving in Aberdeen, John began working at a wholesale firm while his older brother James worked in a grocery store, where he later partnered with a gentleman named Charles Stewart. This was no ordinary store, however - established in 1801 This store soon gained a reputation of supplying the finest goods, provisions and highest quality whisky to the gentry of Scotland. If you wanted real craftsmanship and superior foods of the highest quality, this was your one stop shop.
  6. After getting inspired by the Royal Patronage, John began the art of blending whiskies perfectly. He created what we consider today to be known as the Chivas House Style. Within a few years, the demand for Chivas Regal boomed tremendously, particularly for Chivas Regal 50 years.

Also Read: The Definitive Chivas Regal Review

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